Deluxe Beer Equipment Kit

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  • Regular price $124.99


#1002BB Dexluxe Equipment Kit Includes:

  • 5 Gallon PET Carboy
  • 6.5 Gallon Primary Fermenter
  • 6.5 Gallon Bottling Bucket with Spigot
  • Easy Clean No-Rinse Cleanser
  • Triple Scale Hydrometer
  • Siphon Hose and Shut-Off Clamp
  • "Brewer's Best® Brewing Guide"
  • Liquid Crystal Thermometer
  • Lab Thermometer
  • Drilled Bung
  • Equipment Instructions
  • Airlock
  • Easy Siphon
  • Bottle Brush
  • Twin Lever Capper
  • Bottle Filler
  • Plastic Paddle



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